

Here is your resource page for strategies and tactics for young professionals in workspaces.

Who Are You?

Who Are You?

Aristotle once said that knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom. We live in a world where the response to "Who are you?" is often limited to your name, obligations, gender, or physical attributes. Most times, people answer this question through the lens of...

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The Secret Sauce of Personal Development

The Secret Sauce of Personal Development

There once lived a wise old turtle who lived in a serene pond at the edge of a forest. Every evening, he would climb out onto a rock and gaze at his reflection in the water. One day, a young frog approached him and asked, "Why do you always look at yourself?" The...

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Embracing the Unknown

Embracing the Unknown

Once, there lived a boy named Richard, he dreamt of climbing the tallest tree in his neighborhood. Every day, he would stand at the base of the tree, staring up at its towering branches with awe and longing, but despite his desire to conquer it, Richard could never...

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I Once Killed a Plant by Watering it

I Once Killed a Plant by Watering it

It was the 26th day of July 2019. I still remember that day vividly; I went to see a friend and they had this parlor puppy, but for the life of me, I cannot remember a time that I fancied animals of any kind. Like I said to my friend, 'It's not that I hate puppies or...

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The Power of Now

The Power of Now

I came across an old picture and I can still remember how harsh I was on myself. During that time, I considered myself fat and ugly, and I wouldn't have even taken the picture, on that fateful day, if it wasn't a mandated group photo. In the days that followed, I...

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“Pick me, pick me”, the little orange fruit exclaimed, when it was ignored it turned to its mother. “Mummy, why wasn’t I picked? I also want to be a flowing fruit juice like Daddy!” The mom replied, “When you’re mature enough you’ll be made into fruit juice” The above...

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