I came across an old picture and I can still remember how harsh I was on myself. During that time, I considered myself fat and ugly, and I wouldn’t have even taken the picture, on that fateful day, if it wasn’t a mandated group photo. In the days that followed, I starved myself and drank all sorts of concoctions under the guise of taking slimming tea.

3 years later, as I sat with that picture, I could see how slim I looked in my size 8 dress.  Now, I wear a size 12, and I appreciate that body size. But I couldn’t help but wonder how different life would have been if I had just embraced that body instead of beating myself up and feeling insecure.

We get so caught up on what tomorrow should be like, that we forget that we are here, now, in this moment that wasn’t promised yesterday but happened, anyway.

In a world that often feels fast-paced, it is easy to fall prey and be consumed by the thoughts of the past and anxiety about the future. But if you ask me, the key to happiness lies in your ability to embrace and enjoy the present moment.

A biblical passage comes to mind

“Do not take thought for tomorrow, for tomorrow shall take thought of the things of itself“.

Matthew 6:24

There are several benefits that come with living in the now and embracing all of today or a season. They include but are not limited to:

(1) Reduces stress and anxiety: Obsessing about the past and the future can often lead to anxiety, depression, and even panic attacks, but by learning to live in and for the present moment, we will be saving ourselves a lot of stress.

2) Enjoying Life: By learning to live for now, we can find happiness and pleasure in the simple and mundane things of life. We can appreciate simple things like taking a deep breath, showering, and even taking long walks.

(3) Fosters Good Relationship: When we allow ourselves to be present with others, we can truly connect, engage, and empathize with others. This can help build meaningful and lasting relationships.

The concept of living in the now and embracing the present moment is a tool we can use to improve the quality of life. There are a lot of benefits that come with living in the now and its importance should never be underestimated.

Ayodele Obayelu

precious imuwahen

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